Clothes are Motivational!

I love the title of this post because I truly, madly, deeply believe in it.

This post is not to imply substituting our current motivational factors like speaking to our parents, brother, sister, partner or friends, doing something creative, taking holiday, listening to music, dancing, going shopping or anything that works greatly in motivating us. But I do intend to imply, that there are days when nothing seems to work or we need a quick fix of motivation (say on Monday Morning) or we need more channels of motivation, which is when clothes can come to our rescue and ignite the spark of good energy and positivity.

Motivation means anything that drives you or ignites a spark in you to get in action. My experience says that the days when I needed motivation, I wore my best clothes (I consider it as the easiest way to get the dose of motivation), which made me feel better and get going whereas on days when I was already motivated, wearing my best clothes, celebrated my inner zeal and spark.

Yes, clothes make us feel good.

Think about it, on all our important days, first day at college, interview day, big presentation day, date day, wedding day, birthday and all the little and big important days, we have picked our best clothes to look our best. Ever wondered why? Pick your reasons from below:

  1. I want to look good on my significant days (because I am going to take pics and upload it on social media, so I better look good)
  2. I want to impress the significant other(s) on my important day
  3. I am feeling good from within, so the effort to look the best is just a natural extension of that feeling
  4. I always wear best clothes

In all of the reasons, we wore our best clothes because we were already feeling good and therefore we took the efforts to look good, as an extension of our feeling and for the continuation of that feeling. As they say, when you look good, you feel good and you do good. Now imagine, what if on these important days, we weren’t dressed our best (dreadful), would we still feel good?


Research says that clothes worn by individuals influence their thoughts about themselves. Therefore, the chances are nearly cent percent that if we are poorly dressed on our important and internally motivated days, our motivation will get influenced by our clothes and it will eventually drop, making us feel under confident about ourselves (tried and tested).

Now let us analyse the opposite situation when we are feeling gloomy and low on energy. On these days, if we pick up our best dress/clothes and make efforts to look our best that day (of course with proper grooming), will that change the way you feel? Heaven yeah!!

This is what my point is, subconsciously our clothes are motivating us, adding to our existing motivation level or creating new motivation on a zilch motivation day. Our clothes have the power to drive the way we feel, the kind of impression we make on people, the energy we need on our low days, the support we need on our high days, the love for ourself and the love of others.

Clothes are magical and knowing how to use them to create magic in your life, is all the technique you need to learn.

Write to us on or leave your comments in the comment box if you want to learn the magic of clothes.

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